Honey? Runny. Set. Why?

  • Crystallization: Honey naturally crystallizes over time. This is a process where the sugars in honey separate, causing it to solidify and become cloudy or grainy. It’s perfectly safe to eat crystallized honey.
  • Factors Affecting Setting: The rate and extent of honey setting depend on two main factors: the ratio of fructose to glucose sugars in the honey, and the storage temperature.
    • Fructose vs. Glucose: Honey with a higher fructose content (like clover honey) tends to stay runny for longer, while honey with a higher glucose content (like lavender honey) crystallizes faster and becomes more solid.
    • Storage Temperature: Colder temperatures accelerate crystallization, while warmer temperatures slow it down.
  • Types That Set: Honey with a higher glucose content is more likely to set. Some examples include:
    • Honeycomb honey (usually stays in its comb form, which helps prevent setting)
    • Alfalfa honey
    • Buckwheat honey
    • Clover honey (may take longer to set)
    • Dandelion honey
    • Lavender honey
    • Rape honey
  • Types That Stay Runny: Honey with a higher fructose content is more likely to stay runny for longer periods. Some examples include:
    • Acacia honey
    • Mesquite honey
    • Orange blossom honey
    • Sage honey
    • Tupelo honey

In Summary:

Honey setting is a natural process, but the speed and extent vary depending on the honey type and storage temperature. Some honey varieties are more prone to setting and become quite solid, while others stay runnier for extended periods.

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