From Rögnvaldr hide birds of Cornalees

Sauerkraut and Boiled Vegetables: A Gut-Friendly Approach to IBS
Beekeeping | Holistic Living

Sauerkraut and Boiled Vegetables: A Gut-Friendly Approach to IBS

If you’re living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet can significantly improve your symptoms. Sauerkraut and boiled vegetables are two excellent options to consider. The Benefits of Sauerkraut and Boiled Vegetables for IBS Tips for Incorporating These Foods into Your Diet Remember: While sauerkraut and boiled vegetables can be beneficial…

State of the Hives – Season 2023 end
State of the Hives – Season 2023 end

This year, the weather was less forgiving than in previous years, although we started off on a good note. In the spring, we managed to quickly build up the colonies after winter. On The Cut, we had 4 hives in the spring. Due to persistent dampness, chalkbrood, and wasps, we lost 3 hives. One hive is in good condition, preparing for winter. To strengthen the colony, we are feeding them sugar water. We have also applied Apivar (varroa mite treatment) as a standard procedure. Because the hives are deep on the north face of the hill, winters are harsh for […]

2024 – first hive inspections
2024 – first hive inspections

Beekeeping Buzz: Strong Hives and a Surprise Summer Honey! The past two weeks have been a beekeeper’s delight! After winter, the weather finally warmed up, allowing us to conduct our first hive inspections of the season. We were thrilled to discover that all our hives emerged from winter strong and healthy. With the recent warm days, the colonies have exploded into full expansion mode! This early burst of activity even yielded a small crop of summer honey, a rare treat in our region due to our cooler climate. Some of the hives are already showing signs of preparing to swarm, […]

Honeybee Buzz: Coexistence, Not Competition – Supporting a Healthy Bee Future
Honeybee Buzz: Coexistence, Not Competition – Supporting a Healthy Bee Future

Honeybees are a familiar sight, buzzing around gardens and fields. But what about their wild bee cousins? Lately, there’s been a lot of discussion about honeybees potentially harming native bee populations. While competition can occur, the reality is more nuanced. Let’s explore the factors at play and how we can ensure a healthy future for all bees! Competition for Resources: Honeybees, when present in large numbers, can compete with native bees for food (nectar and pollen) This can be especially true in areas with limited resources or low plant diversity. But the impact isn’t always negative. Factors like location, plant […]

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